Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Creating a sense of weight in augmented reality through subtle haptic feedback


Virtual weight compensation for improved sorting accuracy

In a recent study on haptic feedback testing, researchers delved into the realm of Just Noticeable Difference (JND) testing to determine the minimum difference in intensity that users can detect with a given reliability. The experiment involved applying forces using a test stand and measuring participants’ ability to differentiate between different stimuli. The results showed that users could detect a 7.96% increase in stimulus intensity 75% of the time, falling within the expected range for typically-abled humans.

Moving on to implicit haptic feedback, the study explored how the presence of force feedback impacted user experience. Participants engaged in a task with and without haptic feedback, rating their experiences on factors like difficulty, mental effort, enjoyment, focus, and immersion. Surprisingly, the addition of force feedback not only did not negatively impact user experience but actually led to significant improvements in enjoyment and immersion.

Further experiments delved into explicit feedback sorting tasks, revealing that users performed better with real objects compared to virtual ones. The study highlighted the importance of combining multiple sensory stimuli for accurate perception. Additionally, a virtual-real weight equivalence experiment showed that missing kinesthetic feedback led to a perception of lighter weight for virtual objects.

To address this disparity, researchers proposed virtual weight compensation by proportionally increasing the force presented to users when grasping virtual objects. The results showed that compensating for virtual weights led to performance on par with sorting purely virtual weights, highlighting the potential of this approach to enhance user experience in mixed real-virtual environments.

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